A New Beginning - Garden 2.0

Like a lot of people we have a rather neglected rear garden. About a decade ago it looked like this -
Then we got horses and dogs and our free time evaporated. So now it looks like this -
The good news is it means it's ripe for a make over.
We've always had the idea of making the garden more practical and growing our own vegtables. We tried an allotment for a season, but it was too far away and we didn't have enough free time. Obviously stepping out into the back garden is much faster than going to the allotment. It easy to spend a spare 10 minutes in the garden while your waiting for supper if it's outside the back door.
The current plan is to leave the patio intact so we have somewhere to sit in the evenings. The apple tree in the middle stays where it is for the moment. The Laburnum tree, sadly, has to come out. It was partially blown over in the storms of last winter so it's unstable :-(. The fruit arch at the bottom of the garden stays. Everything else comes out.
Then we put in four 9'x 5' raised beds :-)