Diet Progress Report - February 2018
Lost another 4.4kg this month, making 10.4kg lost in total. Worth spending another month feeling vaguely hungry for :-)

Another month of feeling vaguely hungrey has been vindicated by a weight loss of 4.4kg :-D. I'm happy with that, it's a sustainable level of weight loss. You wouldn't want to lose more than that in a month, as that's pretty much the maximum that doctors recommend you lose on a regular basis. Roll on March.
Remember, this is has been achieved just by cutting out my daily latte's at work, cutting out biscuits at work, taking one sandwich to work rather than two, and not buying any top up sandwiches at work. I'm still going out for meals and having the occansional latte at weekends :-)
As an update I've also being using the fitness tracking facilities on my Apple Watch to do 20 mins of exercise at lunch times climbing stairs cases when I'm in the office. I'v also been making sure I've been "closing the rings" each day.
Stay tuned for more updates in up coming months.